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7 Years in Cape Town

Today, 7 years ago, we landed as a family in Cape Town. It was the 1. August - our Swiss National Day. Wow. What a journey & what a ride over all those years. We had crazy experiences, many lows and highs. Pioneering is not a lollipop. Today while I spent my evening with my wild young people in the HopeTown base and while I was praying specifically for this young man, I felt so honored to be here. Honored to be able to be a part of his life. Yes. I am truly greatful to be here. Greatful that HopeTown was founded, greatful for the bunch of people who joined us on this crazy journey. Greatful for Gods provision over all those years. Greatful for so many young people God has put into our lives. Young women and men like him. Yay. Tonight I did hear the voice once more. God is calling his name...

© 2016 by The Lindsays 

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