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“God doesn't call the qualified, He qualifies the called.” “The world is full of hurting people who need to know the love of God. As His followers, our job is to share that love with them.” “It's not about what we can do, but what God can do through us.” Jacky Pullinger

Jacky inspired me when I was 16 years old. She came to my town and was maybe the first female missionary (and preacher) I ever heard. She spoke about her call to serve in Hong Kong and her passion for Jesus. She definitely left a deep inprint in me and inspired me to be radical and not to stay in the comfort zone. Today I know: We will never feel ready to do what God tells us to do. His visions are far greater than our capacity and possibilities. We will need him if we step into the risk of pursuing the vision. He will confirm and show you that he is with you. Over and over again.




made in Italy.


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