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Their Shoes

The joy of having a growing, trendy 12 year old is, that I am able to swop shoes with him (I paid for it anyway 😉) and pretend they are mine. But this morning while praying for the young generation to be raised as leaders, God spoke to me. God's heart is meeting us where we are and he puts himself into ours and the young peoples shoes. If we want to raise young leaders and see a generation passionate for Jesus we need to wear their shoes and to be ready to smell like them. It doesn't mean we behave like a 12 year old, but it means our hearts are connected to them so much that they become a part of our lives. Mentoring of young people is not a task for an hour a week - but rather an investement to become a father and mother for them and love them so much to we even include their smell in our lives.

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